Polish sculptor and designer Marek Tomasik finally figured out what the rest of us couldn’t: What to do with old, discarded computers. Rather than stuffing them at the bottom of the closet in our home office or giving them to our grandparents as upgrades to their even-older computers, Tomasik has decided to make them into a creepy room, or art, as he might claim.
The discarded computer room is 5m x 4m x 4.5m and has been created out of three years worth of discarded computers, which funnily enough, is the exact lifecycle of modern day computers, according to Apple store employees. The room has kind of an Otherworld from Silent Hill feel, made from old metal and wood with visible gaps between each piece. Pretty neat if you dig creepy, or recyclables turned into art. Head on past the jump to check out some more pictures of what could easily be the set for a horror movie.
(via Bit Rebels)
Published: Jun 14, 2011 5:24 PM UTC