As a human, you probably spend a lot of time thinking that you’re a beautiful and unique snowflake, that you provide an irreplaceable service to the world and that you’re just the best person ever at any and all things. At least that’s what I do. If you do it to0, I hate to break it to you, but you’re in for a rude awakening; turns out robots might do your job way better than you do.
I’m not just talking assembly line workers either; according to this harrowing infographic from Mindflash, robots are not only slowly becoming able to do simple jobs like “retail cashier” but also complex, high paying jobs that require massive amounts of education and practice for humans, like surgery or pharmacy. What can you do about it? Well, robots are pretty bad at many simple, human tasks, so maybe now is the time to get your Doctorate in Butlery.
(via Mindflash)
- MABEL is the fasted two-legged robot with knees, but she’s still not too good at running
- ASIMO will be taking all the dancing jobs
- Robots have no allegiance, they’re also working with Iraqi militants
Published: Oct 6, 2011 6:52 PM UTC