Last night, Our Friend Bill Nye debated the issue of whether Creationism is a viable model for teaching the origins of the Universe against creationist Ken Ham. (No. No it is not. Stop saying that it is, because it is not.) Obviously, Twitter had some thoughts on the debate. Here are some of our favorite comments.
As we mentioned in our post about the debate, it seemed like creationists saw everything Ham said as a reasonable, factual statement that really showed Bill Nye what for. Meanwhile, smart people were frustrated watching Nye’s evidence-backed arguments of science falling on willfully ignorant ears.
As it is wont to do, Twitter used to the opportunity to make jokes.
here’s a photo of Jesus holding a baby raptor so #creationdebate over
— goodinthestacks (@goodinthestacks) February 5, 2014
There were actually quite a few pictures of Jesus and dinosaurs we found when searching the hashtag. Most were posted ironically; some we couldn’t tell.
Host of PBS Idea Channel, Mike Rugnetta, thought somebody was being left out of the discussion.
Excited to watch all of #CreationDebate later this week, though honestly disappointed the great Cthulu wasn’t also invited to make his case. — Mike Rugnetta (@mikerugnetta) February 5, 2014
As with Creationism itself, the only “evidence” Ham had to present was the bible. His claim that the bible is a book, at least, was accurate.
“The Bible is a real book.” — The only true thing #KenHam has said all night. He is right. It is an actual book. #creationdebate
— Glen Tickle (@glentickle) February 5, 2014
Some people took Ham’s reliance on a book as evidence to make some other claims.
Yo guys! I found this book that proves that people can fly! #creationdebate
— Evan Ponter (@evanponter) February 5, 2014
Yo guys I found this book that proves the existence of Spiderman #creationdebate — Travis Ryan (@DrTarvis) February 5, 2014
C_ntrollers co-host @pixiemania saw an opportunity for some post-debate creative writing…
WHO IS WRITING NYE/HAM SLASH FAN FICTION TONIGHT #creatIONDEBATE — not princess jasmine (@pixiemania) February 5, 2014
Former Geekosystem Managing Editor and current Laughing Squid tentacle Rollin Bishop wondered what Nye was writing.
I’d love to see Bill Nye’s notes after this. “what is this I don’t even” #creationdebate
— Rollin Bishop (@rollinbishop) February 5, 2014
I make no apologies for being 100% on the side of science and reason in this debate, but creationism had its supporters last night as well. Many of them tweeted with the hashtag #TeamHam, which confused some people.
I was disappointed to learn #TeamHam wasn’t about lunchmeat. #creationdebate
— Juvenall (@Juvenall) February 5, 2014
Not unlike their leader Ham, the creationism supporters turned to the bible for evidence.
Watching the #creationdebate is a fulfillment of Paul’s letter to the Romans #TeamHam
— Charles Linehan (@LinehanLegend) February 5, 2014
“If you look to God for answers, He will reveal Himself to you.” #TeamHam
— Heidi Parson (@hgparson) February 5, 2014
That’s still not an argument that holds any weight in science.
(Image via Answers in Genesis)
- It’s not too late to watch the whole debate, and we think you should
- Cats evolved to be indifferent to their human owners
- Ancient humans bred with a different species we know nothing about
Published: Feb 5, 2014 3:52 PM UTC